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Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

Fishing Trips dan Potensi Tuna Indonesia

Tuna is an important fishing resource in Coral Triangle as it supports the economies of many developing nations and represents the livelihoods of millions of people in this region and beyond.
The region contains spawning and nursery grounds and migratory routes for commercially-valuable tuna species such as bigeye, yellowfin, skipjack and albacore, producing more than 40% of the total catch for the Western Central Pacific region, and representing more than 20% of the global catch.

As of 2007, more than 10,000 trawlers and 22,000 purse seiners have been found in Indonesian waters.

In Indonesia Commercial fishermen use purse seine nets and longlines (up to dozens of miles long) to fish for yellowfins. But their sport fishing value is also high: their speed and fighting ability, their sheer size potential, and their palatability have made them a favorite game fish among saltwater sport anglers. Add that to the fact that they're common, easy to find, and eager to take a hook, and you've got a prime candidate for a fisherman's favorite. Some folks will travel hundreds, nay, thousands of miles to find them. This article will discuss how to catch these tasty monsters of the deep.

Potensi perikanan di Indonesia terdiri dari 11 Wilayah Potensi Perikanan (WPP), yakni Luat Andaman (Selat Malaka), Laut Sumatera bagian Barat, Laut Jawa bagian Selatan, Laut Jawa, Selat Karimata, Selat Makassar, Laut Banda, Laut Halmahera, Laut Sulawesi, Laut Papua dan Laut Aru.

Sedangkan potensi tuna tersebar pada lokasi perairan Indonesia bagian Timur yang terbagi dua WPP, yakni Laut Halmahera dan Laut Banda.

Faktor penyebab Indonesia bagian Timur memiliki kekuatan potensi tuna yang tinggi karena adanya pertemuan arus di sekitar Samudera Pasifik sehingga aliran dan sanitasi air besar.
Meskipun perairan Indonesia bagian Timur menjadi tempat berkembang biak tuna, namun Indonesia tidak bisa mengklaim tuna merupakan ikan yang berasal dari Indonesia karena ikan laut itu  hidup secara migrasi di sekitar Samudera Pasifik dan Laut China Selatan yang meliputi negara Malaysia, Thailand, Filipina, Timor Leste dan Papua New Ginie.

Selain diuntungkan faktor alam, peningkatan produksi ikan dan nilai ekspor tuna dipengaruhi semakin banyaknya jumlah kapal penangkap ikan dalam maupun luar negeri yang beroperasi di perairan Indonesia.

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